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أخبار عاجلة

عاجل: رئيس الوزراء المصري يقدم استقالة الحكومة للرئيس السيسي

معارض ومؤتمرات

Asia Gold Summit 2012

المنظم:  IBC Asia
بدايه: 25 يونيو, 2012 12:00
نهايه: 28 يونيو, 2012 20:15
Shangri-LaHotel Jakarta,
السعر: See site for details
الهاتف: +65 6508 2401
الفاكس: +65 6508 2407
البريد الالكتروني: register@ibcasia.com.sg

Gold prices have doubled in the last 5 years and it is one of the most sought after investments globally. Given the strong market fundamentals, investors and businesses are constantly on a lookout for the next opportunity in a high yield market.
Indonesia, as one of the world’s top 10 gold producing countries has an estimated 3,254 tons in reserves, of which only an estimated half has been tapped. Needless to say, the country presents huge investment potential and is set to create tremendous opportunities in the medium to long term.
Asia Gold Summit 2012the ONLY Gold Mining Conference in Asia will examine the latest issues affecting global gold market trends, key investment criteria, regulatory developments and latest project updates from leading gold mining companies.
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