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معارض ومؤتمرات

CFO Rising West Summit

المنظم:  Innovation Enterprise
بدايه: 17 اكتوبر, 2018 10:00
نهايه: 18 اكتوبر, 2018 18:00
Parc 55, a Hilton Hotel, 55 Cyril Magnin Street,
San Francisco,
الولايات المتحدة
السعر: From $995
الهاتف: +1 415-429-8694
البريد الالكتروني: zfisher@theiegroup.com
Over the past 10 years, the role of the CFO has evolved significantly. CFO's are now expected to make strategic judgements on all aspects of the business.

This summit will address all the challenges facing a modern CFO and the opportunities they have to lead their organizations successfully into the next year.

Hear from speakers from Oracle, Yahoo!, Samsung, Tesla and many more. 

Take Part in Lively Discussions While Learning About:
  • AI, RPA and Innovative Tech Tools for the Present Day CFO
  • Using AI and RPA as a Tool to Contain Costs and Enhance Budgeting & Forecasting
  • Growth in Digital Labor and Increased Cybersecurity Risks
  • Understanding the Business Implications of Tax Reform
  • Embracing Sustainability for Corporate Responsibility and Strategic Growth
  • The CFO’s Role in Encouraging Innovation through Sustainability Strategies
  • The CFO’s Response to Tariffs & Trade Wars

To find out more information and register please visit our website.
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