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European Shares managed to close on green…

تم النشر 09/03/2012, 20:19
محدث 09/03/2012, 20:21

European shares managed to close on green, fueled with optimism over the U.S. labor market, after a governmental report showed the economy added more jobs than analysts' had in mind last month, and backed also by a rebound in sentiments and improved risk appeal throughout the session, as Greece has finally reached a debt swap deal with the private sector.

The benchmark index for Europe, the STOXX 600 ended higher by 0.48% to 265.44, and STOXX 50 ended up by 0.07% at 2515.95.

CAC 40 Index: The French index climbed 9.12 points or 0.26% to finally close at 3487.48. The index started the session at 3484.59 and recorded throughout the day its highest level at 3507.52 and its lowest level at 3464.74.

Best performing stocks within the index were the Sanofi share which inclined 0.94% to settle at €58.04, in second place came the Carrefour SA share which closed higher by 5.28% at €18.65 and in the third place came the Total SA share which inclined 0.36% to settle at €42.21.

The worst performing shares in terms of subtracted value for the index were led by the Schneider Electric SA share as it plummeted 1.02% to end at €50.48, following is the Societe Generale SA share as it shed 1.03% to settle at €24.42, while coming in third is the GDF Suez share which slumped 0.48% to close at €19.73.

DAX Index: German equities advanced today as the benchmark index DAX 30 closed the session higher by 45.67 points or 0.67% at 6880.21.The index started the session at 6848.52 and recorded throughout the day its highest level at 6912.42 and its lowest level at 6830.63.

Best performing stocks within the index were the Linde AG share which inclined 5.60% to settle at €133.05, in second place came the Merck KGaA share which closed higher by 3.70% at €79.60 and in the third place came the Metro AG share which inclined 3.15% to settle at €28.21.

The worst performing shares in terms of subtracted value for the index were led by the Commerzbank AG share as it plummeted 2.48% to end at €1.85, following is the Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co share as it shed 1.88% to settle at €51.05, while coming in third is the Deutsche Lufthansa AG share which slumped 0.71% to close at €9.87.

FTSE 100 Index: The British benchmark index ended the day higher to settle at 5887.49 with a gain of 27.76 points or 0.47%. The index started the session at 5859.73 and recorded throughout the day its highest level at 5897.60 and its lowest level at 5842.94.

Best performing stocks within the index were the BHP Billiton PLC share which inclined 1.76% to settle at £2023.50, in second place came the Rio Tinto PLC share which closed higher by 1.42% at £3509.00 and in the third place came the British American Tobacco PLC share which inclined 1.12% to settle at £3199.00.

The worst performing shares in terms of subtracted value for the index were led by the Vodafone Group PLC share as it plummeted 0.94% to end at £168.65, following is the BG Group PLC share as it shed 0.63% to settle at £1501.50, while coming in third is the Tullow Oil PLC share which slumped 0.89% to close at £1447.00.

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