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البنوك المركزية العالمية

إبحث عن بنك مركزي

قائمة البلد:

  اسم السعر الحالي الدولة
البنك الوطني السويسري (SNB)

البنك الوطني السويسري (البنك المركزي السويسري) هو البنك المركزي في سويسرا. وهو المسؤول عن السياسة النقدية السويسرية كما يقوم بإصدار عملة الفرنك السويسري. البنك المركزي...

0.50%  سويسرا
بنك سيراليون (BSL)

The Bank of Sierra Leone issues the country's currency, known as the Leone. The bank formulates and implements monetary policy, including foreign exchange. In addition,...

9.5%  سيراليون
بنك سيشيل المركزي (CBS)

The Central Bank of Seychelles Act, 2004 provides for the Bank to operate as an autonomous institution, reinforcing its status as the authority responsible for all...

11.3%  سيشيل
البنك الوطنى الصربى (NBS)

National Bank of Serbia is the central bank of Serbia; its main responsibilities are the protection of price stability and maintenance of financial stability. Core...

1%  صربيا
بنك طاجيكستان المركزي (NBT)

The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of Tajikistan and it is ownership of the Republic of Tajikistan. The National Bank of...

13%  طاجكستان
بنك غامبيا المركزي (CBG)

The Central Bank of The Gambia is the central bank of Gambia. As a central bank, CBG is responsible for providing banking services to the Gambian government, for managing...

10%  غامبيا
بنك غانا (BOG)

The history of the Bank of Ghana began with the Bank of the Gold Coast (BCG). During the 1950s, as independence approached, politicians and economists built the idea of...

13.5%  غانا
بنك غيانا (BOG)

The Bank of Guyana was established by virtue of the Bank of Guyana Ordinance No. 23 of 1965. Actual operation commenced on October 16. 1965 – seven months before the...

6.25%  غيانا
البنك المركزي لجمهورية غينيا (BCRG)

The Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea is the central bank of Guinea. The bank is located in the capital city of Conakry.

4.25%  غينيا
البنك الاحتياطي في فانواتو (RBV)

The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu is the Central Bank of the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu achieved its political independence from Great Britain and France on July 30, 1980...

0%  فانواتو
الاستمرار مع آبل
إنشاء حساب عبر جوجل
إنشاء حساب عبر البريد الالكتروني