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تمكنت أدواتنا من التقاط سهم رابح بنسبة ارتفاع جذابة هذا الشهر.. هل تريد تفويت المزيد من الفرص؟
افتح قائمة الأسهم

بنك سورينام المركزي

المزيد من المعلومات

The Central Bank of Suriname is Suriname's highest monetary authority and the country's governing body in monetary and economic affairs. It was established on 1st of April 1957. The Central Bank's tasks were legislated in the Bank Act of 1956. Like other central banks, it is the principal monetary authority of the country. Other tasks include the promotion of the value and stability of the currency of Suriname, the provision of money circulation, the safeguarding of private banking and credit union activities, together with a balanced social-economic development.

محافظ البنك المركزي: Gillmore Hoefdraad

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